Hoffman Institute International. When you're serious about change.

How do I love thee (me)?

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Instead of chastising yourself for being too single or not successful enough, why not count the ways you are, in fact, awesome?

THIS TIME TWO YEARS AGO I DID SOMETHING CALLED THE HOFFMAN PROCESS. It’s a weeklong intensive therapy course that’s meant to help you shed a lifetime’s worth of issues in eight days. A friend of a friend had done it and, although she didn’t tell me the details, I sensed it involved sharing your deepest, darkest secrets with strangers and talking about your childhood. It sounded like my idea of hell. I booked it.

Hoffman App

for Graduates

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The Hoffman
Institute International

Quay House, River Road, Arundel,
West Sussex BN18 9DF - UK
T: +44(0)1903 88 99 90
F: +44(0)1903 88 99 91
E: admin@hoffman-international.com

Charles "Raz" Ingrasci - USA

Tim Laurence - UK
Maria Cámara - Spain