The Hoffman Process
Bob Hoffman created the Hoffman Process in California in 1967. It has now grown in reputation throughout the world as a leader in personal development. The Process helps to identify and resolve issues of the past that affect our present lives, whether they involve relationships, career, self leadership, our roles as parents or our spiritual being.
As an education, the Process teaches us tools and techniques to shift old patterns of behavior and find a new way of being. Published Research supports the positive effects that the Hoffman Process has had on coping with stress and providing help with anxiety and depression.
Established in 14 countries, this week-long residential course has been found highly effective as both an educational and healing program. A 2012 international survey of 2,497 participants showed:
- 97% of Hoffman Process participants said they were better equipped to deal with life's difficulties.
- 83% found they had better relationships with themselves and others.
- 80% found greater enjoyment of life after the Hoffman Process.
- 89% found increased compassion for their parents.
Common reasons for doing the Hoffman Process:
- I'm at a crossroads in my life and want to learn more about myself.
- I'm feeling stuck and want to know what's holding me back.
- I want to repair my relationships with those close to me.
- I feel like something is missing in my life.
- I want to love and feel love more deeply.
- I often feel angry, upset, stressed or resentful.
- I want to be able to express myself more authentically.
- I want to be a better leader or motivator of people.
- I don't want to keep repeating the same mistakes.
- I want to get more out of life and have more fun.

The Hoffman
Institute International
Quay House, River Road, Arundel,
West Sussex BN18 9DF - UK
T: +44(0)1903 88 99 90
F: +44(0)1903 88 99 91
Charles "Raz" Ingrasci - USA
Tim Laurence - UK
Maria Cámara - Spain