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A controlled study of the effectiveness of the Hoffman Process. A Dissertation by Christiane Windhausen, first published in Germany as Die Diplomarbeit von Christiane Windhausen. A further study of the Hoffman Process, and probably the most significant long-term study to date was written in 1997 as the dissertation of the German psychologist Christiane Windhausen, at the Wilhelms-University Muenster in Westphalia. Mrs. Windhausen studied theology before graduating in psychology at the above university.

Her dissertation is based on studies carried out with 65 randomly selected clients, all of whom completed the Hoffman Process in its present form during 1994 and 1995.

It includes relevant research data from the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scale and the Giessen-Test as well as using diagnostic tools from the Symptom Checklist SCL90R. This is an Insecurity-Questionnaire used in assertiveness-training as a form of self assessment which falls into three main categories:

1. The relationship with parents 
2. The relationship with the inner-self 
3. The relationship with siblings.


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