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University of California Grant Research Study (2003)

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Professors Michael R. Levenson and Carolyn M. Aldwin of the University of California at Davis presented the findings of their three-year, grant* research study on the Hoffman Process in the Nov/ Dec 2006 issue of the scientific peer review journal, “EXPLORE, The Journal of Science and Healing.”

This university peer review research shows that Hoffman Process participants experienced lasting significant reductions in depression, anxiety and obsessive/compulsive tendencies, coupled with lasting significant increases in emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, compassion, vitality and forgiveness. A world-wide search of the research literature shows that no other treatments or interventionsproduce lasting, significant reductions in negative effects, while simultaneously producing such increases in positive effects.

*“Grant” research means that the University owns the data and researchers are expected to publish their findings, whatever the outcome.

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