The opportunity for good scientific research in an academic environment concerning clinical issues and group therapy has been effectively realized by the German psychologist Christiane Windhausen. From 1995 to 1997, while at the Muenster University, she showed an interest in the benefits of the Quadrinity Process and was able to marshal support for her research idea in the form of a dissertation study at her graduate school. She successfully compared the results of group therapy in a hospital setting versus an 8 day Quadrinity Process training with a number of psychological tests. Her aim was to clarify what benefits, if any, may be derived from the Quadrinity Process.
This German dissertation research study by Christiane Windhausen entitled: Veraenderte SelbstBilder: Eine kontrolierte Effektivitaetsstudie mit Katamnese zum—Quadrinity Prozess Changing Self Perceptions: A controlled efficacy study of the Quadrinity Process was completed by January 1997 at the Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster, Germany.
As a clinician and consultant, it has been with some satisfaction that I have been able to review this dissertation. In the following pages, I will attempt to follow the spirit of her dissertation, but will not replicate some of the more complex research details of her 156 page dissertation. Those of you wishing to read the complete dissertation in German may contact the Hoffman Institute in order to obtain a copy.

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