Hoffman Institute International. When you're serious about change.

Living a soulful live

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As the worldwide recession takes its toll on us individually and collectively we are each called to reevaluate our spending and our ways of living. Yet perhaps there is a deeper purpose behind this financial crisis. Is this simply a “knock” from the universal intelligence calling for a global realignment of values and raising of the collective consciousness. Are we being called to question our fixation on what we have, and being spiritually redirected to begin to pay attention to who we are on a soul level? Is the invitation in this globalised downscaling of materialism, to refocus humanity towards soulful living on a wider scale? Are we actually being pulled away from our obsession with the perfection quest, to become aware of the value of a different and far more potent currency, essential in humanitarian terms, that of compassion and love, which is the spiritual essence of each one of us? Perhaps time is now, to remember, that as Teilhard de Chardin (philosopher and mystic) said:” We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.”

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Charles "Raz" Ingrasci - USA

Tim Laurence - UK
Maria Cámara - Spain