On Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog: Goop.com
For years now, we’ve heard accounts of friends having transformational life experiences at the Hoffman Institute, a stay-based center in Northern California’s wine country (sadly, no wine), that’s dedicated to resolving unresolved traumas from childhood. Over the course of a week, attendees participate in a series of sessions and workshops where they begin to identify harmful patterns imprinted before the rational mind was even formed (age 7)—and how those patterns might be limiting their lives now.

The Hoffman
Institute International
Quay House, River Road, Arundel,
West Sussex BN18 9DF - UK
T: +44(0)1903 88 99 90
F: +44(0)1903 88 99 91
E: admin@hoffman-international.com
Charles "Raz" Ingrasci - USA
Tim Laurence - UK
Maria Cámara - Spain